
Once you have created your campaign, it’s time for action. Go door-to-door, give out promotional flyers, put up posters and share the campaign on Facebook or via WhatsApp to help reach your target amount.

Fundraising campaigns in your neighbourhood can be a great way to raise the amount together in a fun way. With these tips and materials, your campaign will be a great success in no time. Good luck.


Helpful ways to collect donations


As soon as your campaign is up and running, you can receive donations. We have listed a number of options to get you started:

  • Give good example: make the first donation yourself
  • Collect email addresses. Send all participating neighbours an email with more information and a link to where they can donate. Chances are they will participate. Don’t forget to ask the participating neighbours to forward the request.
  • Create a WhatsApp group with your (direct) neighbours or if you already have a community WhatsApp group, share the donation link from the site. Whats app is also a great way to keep your neighbourhood informed, also when the defibrillator has been installed. And participants can help spread the word.
  • Share the promotion via Facebook, instagram and other social channels you are active on. If someone receives your request on their phone, it is often easier to directly donate by clicking on the link. 
  • Ask local companies, neighbourhood associations, sports clubs and others to donate.

  • Ask tha local pub to help raising funds by donating small change or put a piggy bank on the bar. 


Useful tips


Tip 1: Start with the neighbours you already know. If you have a few donations, others are more likely to participate. You will gain more trust if you donate yourself at the start of your campaign, it will show on your campaign page.


Tip 2: Feel free to ask a second, third or fourth time (use different channels) if your neighbours would like to donate. 


Tip 3: Be creative with your fundraising ideas. Organise a living room concert, garage sale, a neighbourhood raffle, bake sales or throw a neighbourhood party where you can raise money.


Tip 4: Persistence wins, so keep going. You know why this is so important to make a big impact on your neighbourhood.


Tip 5: Do it together with one or two friends in your neighbourhood. You can help and motivate each other.


Start a campaign


Your campaign page

Make sure that your campaign page contains a nice personal message from you. Explain why this promotion is so important for your neighbourhood. This can give your neighbours the final push to get involved. Also add a nice group picture taken in your area. This way your neighbours recognise their neighbourhood and that makes your campaign tangible and personal.


Your own flyer and poster

Download our flyer template below to promote your campaign. Include why you believe this campaign is so important. Your enthusiasm will inspire your neighbours as well!

Download flyer

Download poster

Campaign completion

Reached your target amount? Congratulations. Now your defibrillator package will be sent out to make your community heart safe.

Ensure to install your defibrillator away from direct sunlight and on a wall with electricity for the lighting and heating of the outdoor cabinet. For example, hang it on a wall of a corner house. Choose a central place in the neighbourhood, so that it is easily accessible for everyone.



Your poster Promote your campaign by printing out this poster and putting it up in your neighbourhood. Download
Your flyer Promote your campaign by handing out this flyer in your neighbourhood. Download