Frequently asked questions

Here you can find answers to our commonly asked questions. 
Is your question not listed? Then please contact us. We are always happy to help.

What is a defib?
How does the defibrillator work?
What does the package consist of?
Who can start a campaign?
How do I support a campaign?
How does a MyCommunityDefib campaign work?
Is there already a campaign in my area?
Can I collect more money?
I want to stop my fundraising campaign, what do I do?
What happens if excess donations are made?
Where can I find the nearest defib?
Which defib do I get at MyCommunityDefib?
Which defib outdoor cabinet do I get from MyCommunityDefib?
Who manages the defib?
What does managing a defib cost?
How do I install the defibrillator and outdoor cabinet?
What is the delivery time of the defib and cabinet?
What is The Circuit?