The Circuit - the national defibrillator network

The Circuit provides all ambulance services across the UK with vital information about defibs, so that in those crucial moments after a cardiac arrest, they can be accessed quickly to help save lives. That is why you need to register your defib as soon as it is hung up and publicly accessible.

The Circuit was developed by the British Heart Foundation (BHF), in partnership with St John Ambulance, the Resuscitation Council UK, NHS England and the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives.


Why it's important to register and maintain your community defib:

  • Quick access to a defibrillator can significantly increase the survival rate of someone experiencing a cardiac arrest.
  • It is estimated that for every minute without CPR and defibrillation, a person’s chances of survival decrease by 10%.


How to register your community defib:

    • Visit The Circuit website.
    • Click on the button Register your defibrillator. 
    • Create an account and enter details about your defibrillator.
    • Keep the information updated, especially if the device is moved or serviced.
    • Complete a status check on The Circuit every month to let the ambulance service know your defibrillator is emergency ready.







Get your own safe station in your neighbourhood by starting a campaign today! 

The Circuit leaflet Information about The Circuit and how to register Download